Friday, September 30, 2005

Alright, Don't Worry... I have control...

I figured it all out yesterday... I will just use my inheritance to cover the difference.... Since mom was a diamond miner, this should be easy... Yup, just walk in with my half of the inheritance and watch them drool over the figures... Ha
But in lighter news, it is Friday, which means dance classes, and nerd lessons... I might get to see how to fix a Mac. Always good practice, seeing as my inebriated friends like to juggle, and the appliances will never be spared.
As I said before, I feel so bad for them.. So cold and helpless... Depending on you to keep them safe and charged... Like having a $2,000 Furby... Only I could put a Furby on the Freeway or through a blender and really not get attached....
It will be funny to see what I do now that I am in charge of 26 of these little things...
Hopefully I will not become the laptop avenger... It would take more than a half time position...
But so far so good, and don't worry about the money... It's not that bad, and I have a plan...
Already went to debtors Anonymous, hope there isn't a fee. Ha

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