Saturday, August 25, 2007

Disapointing Safari

I awake at 6:30, as is my method... To the sound of a frog in the garden...
I am instantly glued to the window at the prospect of a new pet... People dont come by much and that is doubley true for animals...

Since my mouse found it's way to freedom, I have been searching for something to fill the void that is an empty cage and wheel set carefully on cement in the hopes of a speedy return.

Sad really, the way you justify certain actions... I sat with my empty cage in my lap, staring into the scraps of torn paper that used to be a home, and thought to myself... "What if he gets bored?" It made perfect sense to me, that Phillip might want his wheel for late night training, and I set it down on the cement in my back yard... And of course with these cold nights, he will want his igloo... Down it goes, next to the wheel...

So I created a rather pathetic little shrine to my mouse that miraculously got away...
When visitors come by, no one even asks... But I guess they know me...

So, like Elvira off Tiny Toons, I dart through the house with a new cage in my hands hoping to catch my prey unaware... bound into the garden, scan for my frog, and find a cat, happily licking its lips... So proud of its accomplishment...

I sink back to the porch, cursing the fat old cat for beating me to my prize... I hear the distant churp of the frog, now securely hidden by juggs of milk and a bicycle covered in spiders... I accept defeat and wander away, knowing that it wont go far and soon I will have a new toy to free on my own time...

This has been a good week, yesterday, I found a baby snake and set it free in the community garden...

Autumn is getting nervous when I call, she knows I will have some new Dr. Doo-little reject to show her...
And I cant wait for the next one...

1 comment:

Mr. Burns said...

Maybe you should get a bigger pet. One that won't get away so easily. Like a cat, or a dog, or a rhinoceros.