Monday, May 02, 2005

Hands? Has This Ever Happened To You?

Um, right
Originally uploaded by Miss Clare.

This is a general theme amongst almost all Gardner Family photos... We prop the camera up on a ledge, push the self destruct button, and scramble like mad to get into the picture... This is usually all for not as we then have to stand there haunched over for like 5 minutes waiting for the damn thing to go off...

But I always find it amusing to look back on all of our pictures and realize that in every one, we are haunched over and cramming towards the middle as if the view of the lense is a tiny little hole that we couldn't possibly fit inside.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Wow! There's these things called tripods that will fix this situation. I don't have one, but some people do. I am of the opinion that ledge photos (or prop up the camera on a rock photos) have more character.