Wednesday, April 20, 2005

MSG Speghetti

My dad is well known for his creative cooking strategies... He felt that anything that could be cooked could be made better and faster with the use of the electronic wonder, the microwave....
Thus the creation of THE WALL OF SHAME, this was a meuseum of sorts dedicated to "Kitchen Catastrophies" some of dad's most famous cullinary blunders have been, the Bisquick Bomb (Dont ask), Waffle frisbees, apple-cheese pie, the macaronni that caught the house on fire and almost landed us in the hospital, and egg plant...
Even though I don't partake often, our family loves to entertain dinner guests when ever the unsuspecting victims arise... Strangely we are yet to have anyone come back twice... That might be because dad's favorite ingredient is MSG... In everything... We had some people over for MSG speghettii... and everything was going great, they got through the first act, Corky was singing, fire dancing, giving her Shakespearian Monolouges, and dancing around like a circus act, and dad was reciting his past wives,(always intertaining) When the wife of our guest looked down at our plates and made a startling discovery... she looked up at us with concerned eyes... We had not touched a bite of our MSG speghetti and she was getting a little worried... The Secret's in the Sauce... We wont say a word. Good times, good times...


cmo said...

Remind me to not eat dinner at your Dad's house. =)

Just kidding.

Now this is probably a dumb question, but what exactly is MSG? I've heard it's bad and used to be in a lot of cheap Chinese food.

Sara said...

mono sodium glutemate (sp?)

It's put in EVERYTHING packaged, processed, and addictive to make it taste better. It actually makes you crave more. Seriously, check the labels. Ranch dressing. Doritos. Fried foods. Cheetos. It's probably in everything that you can't stop eating.

A lot of people get MSG "hangovers" from eating too much of it. I'm not sure what it does to your system, but it can give you a nasty feeling if you eat too much.

More info or details, anyone? Please share.

Miss Clare said...

I was told that the flavor enhancing effect was caused by the sharp shards in MSG slicing the tasetebuds to allow more surface area to come in contact with the flavors... It could be crap, but it makes a damn good speghetti

cmo said...

Makes sense to me. It's kind of like whether cigarettes are harmful or not- I mean come on, who are you going to believe, poor old Philip Morris or some dumbass DOCTOR?