Monday, October 19, 2009


Today I was surprised to hear the phone ring at work...
On the other end was our secretary, informing that there was a call on hold from "Shelby"...
"Shelby?, Shelby who?" At this the secretary was at a loss for words...
I asked if it was a parent or if she could tell me a little more...
She said that she had no idea who was calling and that she would park it on intercom 101.

After taking a moment to think about how the screening process is laking in our school, I took the call and said hello to Shelby...
One of my ten year old students...
She said that she was having trouble installing Quicktime and playing the movie we made on her family's PC...
I had given her an install disc for the software and was really quite stunned with the ease at which this little girl was redoing all of the settings and clicking away in an attempt to get her video to work...

We figured out that she needed the latest version and got it up and running,
but it really was a trip to stand, talking to a ten year old, while the updates ran, hear her video playing in to background and her yelling "Yeah! I worked"...

I think that was the smoothest walk through talk through I have done in a while and it was with a kid that wont 'get to ride a bike without a helmet for another six years....

Go team.

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