Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Strange Happenings at the Fish Market

Apparently I have a fan...
It happens occasionally that I will walk into a scenario that I am completely oblivious to for what seems like forever, and apparently this is another example...

So I like to hit up the fisherman's market for tacos every now and again... Ok, more accurately I have them on speed dial, but that is neither here nor there....

So after a long grueling day at work I stager home in a daze and decide to take Autumn out for a quick dinner...
I call in my order to save time... They are always friendly, know me by name and make me feel like I am walking on the set of Cheers... But I am none the wiser to the ongoing events that take place before and after I leave...

So I call in my usual, and am greeted by one of my favorite fish mongrels in an overzealous tone.
"Kellyclare, our favorite customer!", belts out from my phone... I smile as I receive strange looks from Autumn...

I arrive moments later, to find my order waiting for me at the counter... No line, perfect timing... A man gives us our change and smiles, and later asks how the food is... I am completely oblivious...

So moments after we finish our meal and return home, the phone rings... It's Autumn's friend Josh, with some interesting info... He calmly says that he knows we have been to the fish market and that his sources said we had the tacos...

Very strange...

Then he goes on to say that after I called in my order and hung up the phone there was a flurry of excitement and the little fish people were frantically running around in anticipation of my visit....

So I hear that when I got off the phone, one of them called to the other, "kellyclare's coming, do you want to work the register?" and fisherman number two jumped at the opportunity....

This cracks me up, that there is this whole other world going on that I am totally unaware of...


Mr. Burns said...

Wow. You're famous. Can I have your autograph?

Miss Clare said...

Of course you can...
And you get a cash prize for being the first comment in 3 months!

I feel kinda weird about going in there by myself now...
I will be sure to bring someone with me from now on to make it less awkward....