Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My Lunch Break

My Class
Originally uploaded by Miss Clare.

So through out my day I am busy tending to my class and preping for the next one... So my breaks are a welcome moment of relaxation and reflection in preparation for my next shift of avid students.

So it comes as some surprise that at the same time, each day... I am suddenly inturrupted by random students staking my class out as a hideout or recreation area. It first began with the students who would follow me from wing to wing and not leave my side... That was fun, they were my little stalkers...

Now they have evolved... I just want to read a bug book... I won't bother you... I can be quiet... I have heard it all... and reguardless of my explaination of the facts, they seldom if ever leave my room... So my moment of peace is suddenly spun into watching my students redesigning my room with their toys and eventually cramming themselves into their lunch box as a means to gain some much needed attention...

I just thought this was cute.

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