Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Originally uploaded by _rebekka.

Yes, today is a half full day. I had a great talk with my dad, and we figured out that everything is going to be ok. I am doing something I like. I have a home, a car, friends, and a never ending train of exciting people in my life. So I have most of my basics covered. The only thing I need to work on is getting out of the house and getting some activities going. Running, skipping, climbing trees sort of thing. I know Autumn is a big tree climber from way back, so come the 26th I should have that problem covered as well... The only other major issue I need to work on in life is following through with my promises to myself and everyone else. I make grand plans and often go no farther with them than my couch. Big day dreamer. But I have most of my adventures behind me and plan to make more soon... So I guess I will just start making some cash, buy a house and a car, and see where I can go...
But then again, at such a younge age, I dont want to be tied down by my career and let the things I own end up owning me. That is one of the many things I always admired about my dad; he was never afraid to throw everything out and start over. In a good way; he would always take the few thing he really cared for and know that he would always be able to get new things. I really think his ability to let the things that truely dont matter slide is one that will take me years. I sit in a house that can only be described as aclectic and overwhelming, and that is the way I want it. I realize that the attatchments I make these days are more along the lines of emotional bonds with my toaster than people. But a the same time I am accepting enough not to miss them when they are gone. So I will take it one day at a time and keep the world posted, not that anyone is reading this thing anymore....

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