Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Autumn Knitting

Autumn Knitting
Originally uploaded by Miss Clare.

So this is a shot of Autumn diligently working on a ladder yarn scarf... She is carefully adding each frill to the end... very hard work... I feel that is the more difficult of tasks, I just skitt the damn thing, but boy was I excited when she said she would do te crocheting at the end... whooo hooo...
Anyways, so I will tell you about the rest of my day, prior to the painting.... So I get off work at 2:30 and head home... I am greeted by Autumn and MaryJane, my new fuzzy friend (which is against the rules, as I vow not to make firends on the principal that these people are usually much stranger than they let on and your chances of getting sabbed at work dramatically increase once you make any eye contact with said fuzzy people) but anyway, here we are hanging out at the house and having a few drinks... Autumn and I decide to make a mad dash down the row of sprinklers that have just been introduced to our parched backyard... good times... Autumn kicks my ass but bites the dust at the end of the row... After that shinanagan we are planning a good place to get a bite to eat... and I say, Laughing Planet... MaryJane backed me up and we were off... So Autumn and I get to the laughing plannet... Corky calls as I walk in the door and procede into the line... A guy in front of me turns and smiles and I appologize for the disruption.... So moving on... Autumn and I sit down in an empty restaurant with our kids menues and crayons to entertain ourselves for the wait... From the table next to me I hear an assortment of strange noises as the man sitting next to me plays with the plastic dinosour on his table... trying to be polite... and play it all off I asked what his dinosour's name was... an errie reply comes, "Steggy" in a very odd voice... From there we should have made the jump that this kid was mentally unballanced, but we take that for granted often as we live in Eugene... Everyone is nuts to a certain degree and at times they are hard to call on sight... anyways, so Steggi, Autumn and I are coloring our menus and trying to make conversation.... the food comes... Steggi is like, can I join you... (in a completely empty restaurant he picks us... great) so we are sitting there, uneasily eating our burritos, while making funny looks to Autumn from across the table that this guy is way crazy and we need to get rid of him... then he asks if he can try our burritos... then our juice... if you didnt know us, you would have assummd we'd know eachother our whole lives and not for an awkwardly forced half hour... Anyways, we wrapped up the lunch as soon as we could, and I was going for the door, while mentioning, "Autumn, dont forget your coloring sheets" just then, without hesitation, Steggi reaches across the table for the coloring sheets and promptly passes them out and procedes to poor the crayons back across the table.... great... so now we are back to coloring, again too be polite... I am just dragging the crayon frantically over the paper in no real attempt at art just to get the damn thing done with and over... suddenly another strange outburst from the stranger... in a voice that would have embarrrassed a 5 yearold, he calls out something like.... "I finished first, happy duck, look at...) I have no idea... I was going for the door again.. I had enough social interactions for the day... I hold the door for Autumn, hoping she will be quick enough to let it slam in his face and offer us a few more seconds for escape... no luck.. she stops to fix her shoe and there he is... Ahhhhhh... Great... I love awkward goodbyes from creepy stalkers... Over the course of the meal, he mentioned five times that he had a phone with him... and 5 times we changed the subject, as not to make any future contact with this kid...So we get to the parking lot, Autumn shakes his hand and says good bye... I go to shake his hand and he says "Oh no, we are too close for that...." and gives me a hug... Why me... I am just as much of a distand stranger as Autumn, why didnt she get the hug?? I swear the freaks all think I am a homing device...
Anyways, we make it to the car and celebrate our escape only to see him waiting in his truck watching us... Now in flight mode we decide to get the hell out of the Laughing planet... Autumn gets to the curb and I am just yelling "Drive!"... To that request, she promptly pulls into oncomming traffic and narrowly dodges a toyota flying at an insaine speed... Well that was great... I was jut thinking if we had gotten into an accident, guess who would have volunteered to take us to the hospital? Senior Psycho, of course... I'd rather liv with a head injury that be taken anywhere by that kid...
So the next plan is to get away... far far away... an hour later we end up past Vida in a town I had only recently been introduced to by Sara... We are on a quest to find the Blue River Resivoir... And aafter countless miles and numerous flaggers we are loosing hope and Autumn keeps making these strange growling sounds... very strange... hmmmm
I had been informed not to take the first River exit... this was of course a detour and obvious trap... So we go to the second exit and try our luck... after such a long drive we are very excited to finally be there... I think after one more "just over that mountain" while pointing off in the distance, Autumn would have stopped the car and choked me... Anyways, so here we are at the second exit... We take a left "Blue River, Blue River Yeahhhhh....Awwww." Somehow we were right back on the road that we came from... In disbelief we asumed that we missed the turn and tride it again.... "Blue River, Blue River Yeahhhhh....Awwww." Round Two...."Blue River, Blue River Yeahhhhh....Awwww." Round three I give up... So anyways, by around 6:30 we finally find the damn reservoire.... stay for an hour, have a couple drinks, jump off a bridge and go home...
Good times...

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