Today was peachy, I shut down the mangler 5 times in 20 minutes on account of tiny little technical errors. It dawns on me that the assembly line may not be the best use of my skills and education. I really think it helps to have the IQ of a tick tack when being forced to stack boxes at light speed. Today I was also informed after the fact that we are not to wear flip flops, and can't wear necklaces, or listen to music... All of these things would have been nice to know in the begining, though I feel that mentioning a list of guidelines for employees would be condecending and out of the question. I hate the mangler... I will loose something, I know it, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one of these days I will definately go home a couple fingers short.
Other than that I have spent the day listening to the most disturbing life stories I have ever heard, to the extent that I have resorted to singing Allanis Morsette at the top of my lungs to prevent my coworkers from making conversation. This tactic has proved effective thus far, though I fear I will run out of lame songs and have to hear more...
Today we made about 600 Creedence Clearwaters, 500 Elvis', 600 Johny Cash, and some other classics... The Creedence and Christmas music seem to never leave the building. I feel like one of those rejects on an assembly line who's sole perpose is to assemble little contraptions that will be dissasembled at the other end of the line... I have never seen a more over packaged product in my life. I can see now why these damn things cost so much... I mean come on, first we make the CD, package it, shrink wrap it, put it in a box, shrink wrap it again, then add a sticker, and if the boss is feeling fiesty, we shrink wrap it again for the hell of it... My life has meaning... Knowing that Costco and Walmart will have thier Damn oldies and the world will be a better place...
Off to sleep.
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