So apparently I missed quite the event this weekend with Autumn...
Dianna's Birthday party was a Glitz and Glam event in Corvallis...
I hear tell there were several run ins with the law over the weekend, with the first of which being Autumn being pulled over for having a number of lights out...
This must have been quite the scene on account of the outfit she was wearing, and further exacerbated by the condition of her car...
The windows don't roll down, so of course she had to open the door to explain it was a new vehicle and that she wasn't aware that the lights were out... that combined with her hair being teased to the roof of the car and her amazing outfit, it must have been quite the sight. I wish I could have been there...
With the final encounter being a visit by the local boys in blue at 3 a.m. to remind the crew to be mindful of their neighbors. This was particularly humorous since it was long into the night and when the visitors came the event had widdled down to 4 people sitting quietly in the living room...
The man asked if any of them had even gone outside lately, to this they just returned a stunned gaze and the man admitted that the allegation was ridiculous and that the neighbors were just being touchy...
Sounds like an entertaining evening I was sorry to have missed...
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