This week has been a pretty big on for us,
We received our recognition as an Apple Exemplary Program for integrating technology in a two to one atmosphere with our students and creating a 21st century learning environment for our school.
An Apple representative came all the way down from far across the state to present us with our award.
I had the honor of being the one to take the plaque home and had a great time putting it up around the house.
The week went well with my students finishing up on some of our latest projects and making it through the four day week in style.
My Friday and Saturday were spent in preparation for my two classes for the University Youth TAG program I am working on. I have one class on Kitchen Science and another on HTML for nine and ten year olds.
Both classes took an amazing amount of preparation, but ended up going great.
The HTML class was a hit with the students continually impressing me with their abilities to understand difficult concepts and wanting to do more... I even had one student who wanted to take home all of our handouts so that he could practice at home. Pretty cool... Though I thought that a three hour class would prove daunting for any group of individuals, especially 3rd and 4th graders...
In other news, I got a call from my friends to meet up down at Sam Bond's Garage for drawing and catching up... I was quite surprised to find that the one night I chose to actually make it out of the house and to local bar that I had shown up on the same night as a benefit for one of my schools... It was really fun to see all the parents getting up and entertaining the crowd throughout the evening.
The highlight was definitely the puppet show, where a strange fury cyclopes got up in front of us and sang Bobby McGee...
Next week will be school choice week, where families have the chance to tour our school and see if they want to enlist their students in the lottery to join our crew next fall. So we will have to be sure to have some great activities ready to go just for the occasion.
In other random news, we had the best fire drill ever...
In past years, getting everyone outside has never been an issue, but students were often fidgety and noisy while waiting to head back into the building.
I was proud to see that my class was absolutely wonderful as an example to the younger students around them and even did a nice job of facing away from the imaginary blast while they sank down in the squishy grass from the latest rain..
Go team.
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