Monday, March 17, 2008


This is a brief ode to my poor little plant that I assume is not long for this world...

So I know my last name is Gardner, which people often mistake for gardener... not the case...

So I ran across a neat little Scottish moss in a friend's garden... It was a most fascinating plant... With a bright green and the claim of enjoying being stepped on. I found it rather entertaining that I could stomp on this little green thing and that it would be all the happier on account of it...

I ran out and got two small plants, ready to put them outside my home and stomp on them daily...
Ok, sounded simple enough, just forgot one thing...
Let it get going before physically assaulting it...

So on the first round, I took my ice cream scooper outside in the rain and dug a meager hole, apologizing to the displaced worms that would rive on the sidewalk. I dropped the thing in the ground, tucked it in, wished it luck and went on my way. Very pleased at my latest accomplishment.

Feeling a little over confident I set out to repeat this process again with the second of the two... This time, carelessly carving a hole in the mud, throwing the poor plant in, and stomping on it for good measure...

Inadvertently I had destroyed my fledgling's chance for success...

I immediately felt sorry for the poor thing, now squashed and showing little enthusiasm for life...

So to recap, I bought two plants, threw them in holes, stepped on them, killed them and went back in the house...

Next time I will save myself the trouble, hand the lady two dollars and just go straight to throwing the thing away...

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