My back up laptop is on the fritz... It has a 60 gig hard drive and is telling me that it is out of space. It is also freezing intermittently, and taking random pictures of me... This is the latest...
It claims it has a 20 gig hard drive, even though it has 40 to go...
I am giving up, it is all breaking, and the gremlins are taking control...
First no sound, then no space, then no exposé, what's next....
All of my appliances are giving up on me... the phone is making strange sounds, buzzing randomly as though it is recieving secret messages from the mother ship that are never made through...
So I helped put up like 100 posters today... actual numbers may vary, but I put up a lot...
Found one volunteer and snuck posters into every bar in town...
Look around campus, you may see them.
And I need about a hundred volunteers, don't be shy now, you know you want to help me.
I don't need much, just a little of your time.
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