Monday, September 26, 2005

I am going to trip

I was looking through my house for some new pants, and to my surprise, ran across a number of pairs with the tags still on... I thought to myself, now why wouldnt I have thrown these into circulation sooner? Only to relize that they are so long that the chances of me chipping a tooth and seriously injuring myself is more than probable... we will see what we will see.


Sara said...

Jesus you crack me up.

Miss Clare said...

glad to hear it... Wish I was taller, guess I will have to take my chances with gravity and hope I come out alive. Can't wear a skirt to work for a few days, dont want them asking questions about the bruises...

I am already planning my alabies... Uh, I was kickboxing, no... saving orphans from a burning building... or maybe I took my domestic duties a little too far and hurt myself while steam cleaning the couch and bleach the tiles in my bathroom... yeah, that sounds good... that's it.... perfect