Monday, June 20, 2005

KC & Snake

KC & Snake
Originally uploaded by Huggie Bear.


Anonymous said...

That is one large snake...and what the hell is it doing around your neck? You know what indian jones would say if he saw that thing... " Snakes, I hate snakes" and I agree.

Miss Clare said...

Yeah, well Indi would have really hated this snake... it bit some moron from springtuckey and took off with a piece of his hand... that aught to teach him...

In all actuallity I was less than thrilled to have the snake crawling over my body... I was just putting on a happy face for the picture... Hell, you know me... anything with more than two legs will send me flying out of the house screaming... You really think I wanted that thing hanging around...

Anyways, taming fierce creatures is a hobby of mine... I didnt have a chance to pull a Crocodile Hunter move and shove anything up it's ass... But maybe next time...

Hey towel lady... did you like the oh so elegant shot of you at the Olive Garden??? I put that one up for you. Laters babe.... come back soon....

Katie V said...

Does a snake have more than 2 legs?

Miss Clare said...

Great observation... Well the rule is if it has anything but two legs, I'm not interested... Chances are, I am out of the house and down the street....

Mr. Burns said...

As Paulie from the Sopranos would say:

Did you know that snakes have both male and female reproductive organs? That's why Eve shouldn't have listened to the serpent. How can you trust anything that can literally go f*ck itself?

Miss Clare said...

Thanks for the new insight, I had no idea they were so crafty... I agree, those little buggers are not to be trusted...
And that whole Eve scandal wouldnt have gone down if Adam hadn't been such a winey bitch and gotten his own food... What the hell is up from that... not even a day after creation and already he's expecting her to be his slave... screw that... He had it comming, eternal damnation and all he had to do was get his own food...
By the way, according to that little tale would they have had belly buttons? I was always wondering that... I mean if they were supposed to be created in God's image but they were never born... would they have belly buttons, and if so, would that imply that God had one too? Just wondering... (not a religious fenatic just curious)