Originally uploaded by ACondra.
This blog is really the daily rantings of a 26 year old teacher that is trying to entertain herslef by any means possible. Very strange and interesting photos, family, and friends.
Well guys, this is Cheryl... She is a real peach... She is currently visiting me for an extended period of time..
This is right before Jeff had to head home... We are by the airport in portland... Good times.
OK Dad, here is a shot from my graduation... It went fine, I didnt trip, and thankfully this year Hanibal Lector was not the public speaker....
As Corky may recall, last year the powers that be forgot to do their background checks and let some psycho give the opening speeches... It started off all right, talking about what an accomplishment this was for all of us and how far we had come... But then the conversation took a turn for the worst when he decided to calculate in detail how much blood had coursed through our veins during our education...
I dont know who the hell proof read that section... "yes over the course of your education you heart has pumped enough blood to fill 5 olympic swimming pools..." Yeah John, that sounds great, no I dont think it's too much, leave it in there...
Mean while the entire croud is anxciously scanning the lawn for the nearest security guard and looking nervously down at their roast beef... Good call, great speech...
This year wasn't as bad, but some lady tried to tell us her life story and ended it with a chipper anectdote on her childhood friend who was born without ears... she went on to describe how he had new ones sergically fashioned out of mounds of flesh... I wanted to vomit.... who writes this shit....
Other than that everything went well... except for the fact that it was pooring down rain and I had to pee throughout the two hour speeches... I kept looking at them menacingly thinking "Wrap it up!"
Who ever the idiot was handing out water bottles before the longest ceremony in history should have been shot, I was not a happy camper... But I got the hell out of there and off to the Olive Garden in post haste so it all worked out.
I really liked this one... Way trippy...
Hi dad, Hi Corky... hope you like my pictures...
Well after we had taken a few shots, it dawned on us that the snake might not have liked the flash... So lucky for us we didnt piss the thing off. We did better than the last guy who tried to hold this one... The last guy got bit and ran out screaming and crying. So comparatively we did pretty well...
I really like the family in the background... They were all scared and thought the snake was going to eat Jeff.
This is just a picture of the awsome little picknic we had behind my apartments... Autumn and Matt made the drinks and Jeff made the sushi. We had a great time, and I tried to get a picture of Autumn choking on a mouthful of sushi, but I think I just missed it on this shot... Don't worry I have more... Anyways, Jeff made some awsome food and we all had a good time... Thanks! Talk to you later.
This week I am getting ready to drive to Portland... Autumn is packing up to go home... Right before I leave she asks me to take her to Albertson's to get more boxes... no problem, I get home ten minutes later, hop in the car and ggggghhhhggghhhrrrrlll (that's the spectacular noise I hear) it's totally dead... Autumn was about to hit the bars one last time, and I start winning for her. Yeah, so I drove her little tacker up there... The fumes of burnt oil and gas the whole way. Great.
So I hitch hike to the grad with Autumn... begging her to stay a few more days... (Come on Autumn, you wanted to go to dinner, Walmart, and everywhere else in town... come on..)
So she takes off, and we get the car to the shop, good times... $260 later we are back on the road again... only to have the damn thing die again... So my favorite maintenance man shows up with some tools, says I have bettery issues and to come by at 4... I cant wait. Anyways, at least the damn thing is semifunctional at the moment... Sadly my favorite parolee mechanic is unavailable at the moment, so I actually had to pay for it... Oh well, as soon as he gets out I'll get him back over here... I am sure the neighbors love to see this old man, decked out from head to toe with sculls and crosses crawling under my car and pooring chemicals allover the parking lot. Well at least I think it's funny...
Other than that, I got to hold a python yesterday... Ran into my friend Ken from the fish factory... And he let me hang a couple pythons around my neck, should have brought the camera, but I can go back later... Anyways the funny thing about that was that a few days earlier there was a shady guy from Springtuckey that came in with his girlfriend. He was trying to showoff and asked to hold the big one... Ken was like, I dont know, she's not feeling very well, we probablly should take her out.... And the guy was like, I know all about snakes let me have it....
Next thing the snake took a massive bite out of the guys arm. (note: these snakes have teeth that point into the mouth) so the guy pulls away and looses a huge chunk of flesh in the process... He ended up running out of the pet store bleeding and crying like a little girl. (Not that I could blame him, if I got part of my arm removed by a giant python I think I would have done the same)
But hey, that goes to show you how bright people can be...
This is pre-shower Autumn... She was having a good hair moment, so we thought we would add a picture of her in a towel on the internet... Why not, she's leaving town in a few days... nothing to worry about.
In case you didnt notice... I changed out the pictures... I'm sure that many of you were concerned that Autumn would be showering fully dressed in the middle of an Olive Garden... But know to worry, this is not only imposible and unplausable but also quite dangerous with all the hot food and utensils. I am sure the Olive Garden has a no showering on the premisiss guideline that is strictly enforced. Laters
Yet another victim fallen to the technical wonder that resides in my kitchen... Matt did better than most, finally accomplishing his mission, but only after forcefully jamming the bread into the toaster... but hey, whatever works... Most can't get that far...
So come one, come all, and take the toaster challenge... You think you got what it takes, then come over here and say that....
Alright, we are down to the home stretch... All we gotta do is make it till Friday... And by the way, Sara, that Rapping Cowboy is histerical... "Playing chicken with the Train"... You all should check him out...
I am always keeping an eye open for pirate photos, and this was a cute one... So Arrrrrg, matey...