Saturday, May 07, 2005

Getting There

Parasiticpink rhodie2Feet...outsidelegswhite1Autumn's FeetLilly

I Am Getting So Much Done...Someone needs to intervene...get me back to work....


Sara said...

Can you change the border colors? The blue makes the pictures look weird. This is a fun little experiment you're running, by the way. Keep it up.

Miss Clare said...

Hey babe,
Which borders are you refering to? On my computer, I can't see any. So tell me which ones and I will try to take care of it. Laters
I am still trying to make big image colages like you have, but there isn't any easy way to do it on here, so I have to paste in the pic's codes and let them pile up. Lots of fun...
: )

Sara said...

I use picasa to make the collages. Not sure how to do it with flicker. The borders are there on my computer, but i wouldn't be suprised if it looks different on another browser (remember how different mine looks on mozilla?). Looking good none the less.

cmo said...

Great work on the blog! I still can't post pictures on mine because the only computer access I have right now is at work, and I'm not supposed to download anything. So, your blog is a nice reprieve.

P.S. I like your border colors.

Sara said...

Always trying to undermine me, aren't you Chris. That's why you have small antlers :-)

Miss Clare said...

explain the antler comment... I missed something... Anyways, thanks for leaving me a message, I was begining to think my work was all for not... And Sara, did you break 6,000 hits yet? You probably did... You guys should do me a favor... just click on my blog a few times throughout the day and make me feel special. Ha, and somebody should click on a picture and leave a comment on it... No one has said anything about Autumn in nothing but a batman suit, come on!

cmo said...

Check out Evan's blog for the skinny on antlers. Somehow a talk about evolution turned into Evan making fun of my manhood. Or deerhood, depending on the context.

Miss Clare said...

Thanks, I will check it out, but I'm not sure how much I want to know about your manhood...deerhood I can handle, but the rest might be a little too much. We'll see.

Sara said...

wow, you are going nuts with the pictures. glad you're getting you capstone written, ha ha.

Mr. Burns said...

Uhhh...I happen to be very proud of my unusually

I love the scrolling marquee, Kellyclare. Nice touch!