Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Bacon Scented Insense

Yeah, that's what the house smells like at the moment.... Don't ask me, I have no idea. Anyways, this week I have been trying to get a cell phone, so if you have any ideas for good plans please tell me... I am planning on being screwed by Sprint, they seem nice enough...ha ha. The guy who was trying to get me on a plan made the mistake of giving me his cell number, and when I called I heard all these little kids in the background. I can't imagine how his wife kept a straight face as he did his little pitch while telling his kids to clean there room and put the scissors down. Well at least he's dedicated...dedicated to getting my money that is. Grrrr... I hate phones, but I need one, lame.

Other than that, I got my cable shut off today. That was fun... I didn't even know I owed them money, and it was only like $60. That's crap, but I didnt need it anyways, so there...

Then in upcomming news we have that birthday thing going on next weekend, so if anyone wants to watch me fall off a bar stool, all are welcome to join.

How do I make my blog pretty? It needs some major help, that and it is this nausiationg/wonderful pink color. Oh well, give me some ideas and I will give it all a shot... remember I have a mac, see what you can do.
Other than that I am at McCornack this term, and am having a wonderful time in my new classroom... No crazy antics as before, there aren't any screamers in my room this time, and I haven't seen any firsst graders in rollerskates, so nothing too exciting. We will see what we will see.


cmo said...

Don't get Cricket or Qwest! I've heard that T-Mobile and Verizon have some pretty good deals.

Miss Clare said...

Thanks Chris, I just got stuck with a Sprint one and I know they are going to screw me royally. I was in there for hours just asking dumb questions and trying to figure every angle out... the guy said my next bill was going to be $180... he had to draw me two pictures and bust out the calculator to try and show me why... I'm still not too sure, but whatever.
So this aught to be interesting...

Het Chris, did you go to the disco party, if you did, I am probably blanking out...

cmo said...

Yeah, I was there for a while, you walked by and I said hi, but you kind of just stared at me. I felt so loved! =)

Miss Clare said...

Hey, there, sorry if I didn't say hi... Next time, just grab me, shake me and say hi... then you will have my individed attention and recognition. Sorry next time I'll remember...