Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So I head out of school, after taking care of all the little things I need to square away before leaving town to the new location for our meeting, make it all the way home, have a bite to eat, pack what I need, hop in the car, drive all the way up, get out and stretch my legs to find that I forgot my bag with everything I packed in it.
Thankfully I still have all the things I need, but I couldn't believe I was so close and left it there...
And really the reason was in part due to the new cell phone thing... I put my phone in my purse in the back seat so I wouldn't end up using it on the drive up, and apparently I would have got the message seconds after I left but missed it completely..
Oh well, we will see what we will see...
No worries.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Just a Thought

So yesterday morning, I come down stairs, make a random reference and my friend responds with, "Yeah and we can slash the bloody stumps where his limbs used to be..."
I look at him like he has finally gone too far, and even I am not keeping up...
He tries to back pedal and explain... "You know, cause of what happened in the book..."
I continue to look mystified and completely alarmed...

So it turns out that we had been reading a few chapters in the last Eragon book and I must have fell asleep, since I didn't recall any of that...

It was pretty funny.

Saturday, January 09, 2010