I spent the last half an hour washing my hair and singing at the top of my lungs...
Fun fact that I sing when I am happy, an event often observed by visitors at the Gorman Motel. Standing outside of the building at six in the morning, with a high powered pressure washer in hand, I would serenade our guests while pummeling their windows with glass-like beads of water... Watching them slowly approach the windows, wondering in God's name what they had done to deserve such an awakening.
Here at the Gardner house, we are well known for our morning antics. I have mentioned before that on one occasion I was slow to leave for work, and upon leaving before me, Autumn headed out to work, only to hear music filling the courtyard bellow to an offensive degree. She got three blocks away, wondering who was being such an inconsiderate person, only to realize moments later that the offensive sounds were coming from none other than our own bathroom.
We often forget how well the sounds carry in the square complex and had never given any thought to the ill effects of such a poorly planned acoustic setup.
So now we try to do what we can to be considerate...
Ok, we haven't changed a thing and instead just pretend that no one is listening.
I am sure my concert this evening was less than appreciated by the neighbors, but none the less I thought enough to utilize my iphone and record the entire event so they could play it at home while trying to have dinner or accomplish other tasks that require complete concentration...
Good times...
I am thinking if I get into the habit of it, I will put out a singing in the shower album, maybe make one for all the people who have lived with me so they can enjoy my incoherent mumblings at their own leisure.
Other than that, (I know, sounds like a full day already) I did get quite a bit accomplished. I cleaned out the car, the kitchen, paid off the last of the bills, and finished my grading. Tomorrow is a planning day for the next term. I am looking for a new batch of munchkins to work with and get to know. Another saturday class is over with the kiddos, and we accomplished making our first book, which was no small feat for a group that I quickly observed had never held a mouse before in their lives. I had to be quick on my feet to remember how to explain the complex workings and remind the little ones to keep their fingers by the "tail" of the mouse and pick it up when they ran out of room before reaching their destination...